Posts in: Insights and Opinion

Industry and technical blather

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New Year, New Look: Bytemark’s Rebrand Goes Live

If you’ve visited the blog before, you’ll have noticed that things look a bit different. We’ve launched the new branding that we first announced back in October 2018! But the start of the project, which we’ve worked on alongside United By Design, actually dates back even further. Bytemark has more web properties than most. There’s the […]

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Kubernetes Manchester: What We Learnt

Attending meetups is one of the best parts of working at Bytemark. Companies and individuals come together to share experiences, ideas and new technologies, inspiring us to learn more. One of the most exciting technologies to emerge in recent years is Kubernetes – and with over 100 attendees filling the room at the first ever […]

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What is Cloud Native?

If you work in software development, or even just have an interest in tech, then you’ve probably heard the term ‘Cloud Native’ mentioned increasingly often over the past few years. But what does cloud native actually mean, and how is it different from cloud-enabled, cloud-first, or any other cloud-[insert adjective here] approach? Definition The Cloud […]

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How to Protect Yourself from DDoS

In October 2016 there was a significant denial-of-service attack (DDoS) which took down Netflix, Reddit, Twitter and other big internet services. People noticed slow-loading pages, not being able to watch a favourite show, or even having their whole work day grind to a halt: The whole internet is down, so I guess I'm calling a snow […]

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Engineering Culture at Autotrader

Me and my girlfriend Clara have just come away from the AutoTrader “Science Fair” and we’re full of thoughts, ideas and reflections and wanted to get them down somewhere. We heard about the event at Barcamp Manchester last weekend, and decided to go along to get a better understanding of how AutoTrader works. I know […]

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Attention hosting companies: This software builds your business

Dear colleagues and competitors in the hosting industry, Our businesses are built on an enormous foundation of free software. Web hosting remains solid, but we’ve all lost customers in the last 10 years to proprietary email platforms, and have just collectively just accepted it. Mail solutions based on exclusively free software are looking second rate compared to […]

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Why Bytemark didn’t use Xen

We’re circling in on a test release of our new hosting system, called BigV.  Bytemark have never thrown more hardware or programmers at a project for so long, so if you’re in our fan club you might like the results.  I’m a little shy of making promises just yet, but I’ll write about a few […]

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